Whether lithium battery protection board have an balancing function?

1, Necessary to have balancing function: When battery packs are in long time of storage after manufactured, due to the difference in the static power consumption of each circuit of the protection board and the difference in the self-discharge rate of each battery cell, the formation of the battery pack of each string of batteries is different. The voltage is inconsistent, so there is an obvious voltage difference, but in the case of ensuring the same capacity, the balance has the function of balancing the voltage of the battery pack, so as to achieve the effect of full charge and full discharge of the battery pack capacity, so that the battery pack can play a large role .

2, Situations of balancing no work: Many people think that the balance of the battery pack works in the middle and late stages of use. In fact, when the battery pack is in the middle and late stages of use, the capacity loss of each battery cell is different, causing a capacity difference. It is impossible to make up for the capacity of the battery cells by balancing the protection board. On the surface, the voltage of each string of the battery pack is consistent, but due to the inconsistency of the capacity, when charging and discharging, the single string of cells with low capacity is often over-discharged and protected first. Overcharge protection, so the capacity of the battery pack is reflected by a single string of batteries with low capacity. Therefore, we should understand that the protection board balances the voltage, and the capacity cannot be supplemented.

3, Balancing Conflict: Balancing generally has two elements: 1: Balancing open voltage settings: When balancing voltage is setting low, the protection board open balancing time is long, the effect more obvious, but the protection plate during balancing will generate heat at the same time. The longer the balancing time, the more heat generated, directly affecting the performance of the protection board or protection board damage. If balancing voltage is setting high, the balancing open time is short, the equalization effect not obvious. 2: Balancing current setting: when balancing current setting large, the equalization effect is obvious, but the heat generated is great, which will damage the protection board; If balancing current setting small, the balancing effect is not obvious, and balancing time is also short.

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